Student Comments

Many students have provided very encouraging comments at the end-of-term evaluations, and here is a collection of comments. Listed below are student comments for just one course.

In Winter B 2024, I taught Financial Management and Policy, an OMBA level core course at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Here are some nice things my students said about this course.

1 This was by far the best experience I have had in a Finance class. The way the content was presented and the attention that went into ensuring students could focus on learning rather than take notes was a huge help. I appreciate that professor Kaul showed the process both using excel and writing out the process, Great class!
2 I liked the structure of the course in that students were expected to prepare for class and help teach each other in breakouts during the class. The professors and ISS did a great job answering questions and explaining the material clearly.
3 Good time management in class. Helpful to go over the material in class but very fast paced.
4 Greatly increased my Excel skills
5 excel focus of the applications.
6 The video lessons were detailed and helped to understand the concepts.
7 I really enjoyed the asynchronous modules. The teacher’s passion for finance was clear.
8 Gautams videos were helpful but they could use more detail and examples.
9 I appreciate how Peter was always available.

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