Student Comments

Many students have provided very encouraging comments at the end-of-term evaluations, and here is a collection of comments. Listed below are student comments for just one course.

In Fall B 2020, I taught Capital Markets and Investment Strategy, an MBA level elective course at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Here are some nice things my students said about this course.

1 I think this class worked well in a completely remote setting!
2 The professor was well prepared for each lecture and the projects were effective ways to learn the investment strategies.
3 I liked the in-class assignments and the trivia. It made our group work together and discuss the material driving a better
4 Great class overall.
5 Professor Lei is very knowledgeable, and that made the class very interesting.
6 Professors teach some basic and helpful ideas of trading strategies. Also, I was impressed by the guest lecture. Furthermore, the projects are well designed which can help us to comprehend the lectures.
7 Using real-life scenarios for projects. Class simulates what a professional in the industry would be doing.
8 Group work was good for advancing understanding.
9 It gives me a overview of investment strategies.
10 extra material added
11 Interesting subject matter.

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