Student Comments

Many students have provided very encouraging comments at the end-of-term evaluations, and here is a collection of comments. Listed below are student comments for just one course.

In Winter 2020, I taught Making Financial Decisions, a Non-BBA level core course at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Here are some nice things my students said about this course.

1 Prof. Lei was an elite teacher and had better instructional infrastructure than any college course I’ve taken.
2 The website has been an incredible resource throughout the course and allowed for a smooth transition from in-person to online teaching. I think that overall, the flow of the class remained uninterrupted.
3 Probably the best professor I have had in my two years here at UofM.
4 I have never seen a professor more prepared and well organized. It went a long way in helping me to learn and succeed in this course.
5 A reason why this course was so successful in transferring over to remote learning was that everything was already online to start. That was very useful. I like the fact that before remote earning Professor Lei took attendance. However, he also ensured that everything was online and recorded to be used as a reference. Furthermore, the amount of practice problems was extremely beneficial.
6 asynchronous interaction worked well. As of for the video, I believe that you have been on top of this way before the outbreak of the virus, with videos and pdf available.
7 Professor Lei is absolutely amazing. One of the most caring professors I have ever had, give this man a raise.
8 I really liked the live zoom lectures. We were able to ask questions in real time.
9 Everything. Prof. Lei is super organized and clear about everything, and his website is very helpful. Also, the trade game is great.
10 Everything. Lei was extremely organized, helpful, and receptive to student needs. One of the most well-run classes I have taken at Michigan
11 The professor and his structure (course outline, website, trivia, connect homework, etc.) The professor clearly has the course down to a science and it is extremely impressive.
12 I think that there are so many effort that Professor Qin put for the success of students in the class. Great work on that.
13 Professor Lei is a great instructor. He clearly is dedicated to his students and their understanding of the material. I really enjoyed this lecture and Lei’s ability to effectively communicate the most important material within the 50 minute time frame. Also, the online homework really helped me learn throughout the quarter, as did the trivia questions.
14 The professor’s organization of the course in that he created his own website and had made so many materials available to usÍž he also was very prepared to go online which was impressive
15 Great professor very able to teach large groups
16 Professor Qin, knows the subject in and out.
17 The amount of practice problems was amazing. Professor Lei was an amazing teacher and it was very evident he is very knowledgeable and passionate about the class and course material.
18 Extremely organized course.
19 Written and video solutions for homework problems to help students learn the material
20 High standards. I appreciate that.
21 A good combination of theoretical knowledge and empirical practice.
22 everything is so organized and planned outÍž full access to lecture recordings/solutions, whole and sliced, nice and thoughtful
23 Extremely well organized, more so than any course I’ve had before.
24 Very prepared.
25 zoom lectures with accompanied notes
26 Constant email communication helped to assure I was on top of coursework as supposed to lecture.
27 Recorded lectures allowed me to study on my schedule
28 The recorded livestreams worked well, especially having the sliced videos from past years to supplement when necessary.
29 All the review sessions he hosted
30 extensive review sessions.
31 Videos detailing homework questions helped with understanding challenging homework questions.
32 The website allowed for a smooth transition to online teaching.
33 The website was setup pretty well and had all the information that was necessary. If professor Lei set it up himself, kudos to him!
34 The website was well organized and had plenty of resources
35 the depth of the topics covered
36 Many practice problems and comprehensive course website.
37 The amount of resources given to students to learn and seek help.
38 Organized
39 The excess of material always available and the professor always being accessible. Additionally, how many review sessions that were available was very helpful.
40 Active learning.
41 Well organized website.
42 Structure, engagement, fun activities (Trading Game)
43 Benefits those who try hard in the course with grading policy
44 The instructor
45 Live, online lectures were handled pretty well.
46 Lecture recordings were helpful
47 Recorded lecture material
48 zoom worked well
49 Online video lectures
50 sliced lecture videos and hw problem video explanations
51 Everything is readily available online.
52 the lectures were delivered in an understandable format.
53 Professor very committed to maintaining same class meeting schedule as in-person
54 LIve lecture and maintaining course structure really helped
55 The website was great
56 Very thorough and detailed
57 Real-world examples such as analyzing financial reports
58 Homework as an aid to drop an exam rather than graded
59 Fairly tough
60 Built grit
61 Website
62 great material
63 The homeworks were very helpful
64 I thought having discussion was beneficial so that we could practice problems presented in class and in the homework.
65 Homework problems, practice exams
66 recorded video lectures, no live attendance requirement
67 Live lectures was hard, but having recordings was nice.
68 Website
69 Videoconferences, homework assignments, trivia, review sessions, removal of attendance policy so it could be watched at our leisure
70 recording lectures
71 Asynchronous interaction
72 videoconferencing
73 Video conferencing
74 Videoconferencing
75 videoconferencing
76 Videoconferencing
77 Videoconferencing
78 Videoconferencing
79 Videoconferencing

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